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    1. Comment by Scott Appleby.

      Once border force collects the migrants just start seizing the dingy's and arresting the dingy captain. This will begin to make a difference in reducing the numbers.

      • Comment by S W.

        You can argue that if we were helping a country which was our friend then it may be justified but with India`s passive support for Russia and China it seem a bit generous.

        • Comment by Tony.

          Morning! idealists,and rebels.As my nan said After Stukas flew over the high street " Count your blessings not your curses"..

          • Comment by Maria .

            My Grandmother just to say "help should start at home before you start helping others"

            • Comment by Christoph Briggler.

              How on earth can an MP earn double for underperforming?

              I wish I got paid double for underperforming!

              Who on earth thinks these schemes up?

              Every MP should be paid on target driven performance, if they don't achieve KPI's they lose their seats / jobs.

              Anybody else got a constructive view or am I on my own?

              • Comment by Maria .

                GB News seriously need to sort out cutting out previous speakers and back office chatter when LIVE, not very professional, and not the first time this has happened.

                • Comment by James.

                  The Government Statement of the Day:

                  "Rishi Sunak has described the taxpayer bill for housing asylum seekers as "unacceptable" as he vowed to reduce the record backlog of applications"

                  Now where were we asked the PM...well said the Professor who led the team of Downing St Podiatrists...we were just checking your feet for any signs of damage from the hot sands...Sir, said Prof I couldn't help but notice your 'Flip Flops' are a bit tight, how about something more regular.

                  The PM's speechwriters sighed at the news of Rishi's regular 'Flip Flops'.

                  • Reply by S W.

                    I think Starmer is the flip flop king

                  • Reply by David Perry Perry.

                    This is like accusing a burglar from breaking into your house when you have left the front door open. Thats his job sort it out now.

                • Comment by 4139412.

                  Jennifer Anniston and that actor she did bounty hunter with they looked good together in that film and suit

                  That Gerard butler

                  Great film

                  • Comment by James.

                    Redact, redact...more chance of posts being accepted on the BBC's newspaper partner

                    • Comment by 4139412.

                      I really do love challenges from conspiracy theorists.

                      They are funny like a cult they is a group of them all saying the same thing 😆