6 Palestinians killed in West Bank refugee camp, Palestinian health ministry says

6 Palestinians killed in West Bank refugee camp, Palestinian health ministry says
News Desk

By News Desk

Published: 19/10/2023

At least six Palestinians were killed in an ongoing Israeli military operation in the Nur Shams refugee camp in the city of Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank on Thursday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

The ministry, which is controlled by Hamas, told OceanNewsUK that it had confirmed the deaths of six people and that the toll was likely to rise.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said its staff were trying to reach the casualties in Nur Shams, adding that, “There are difficulties in reaching some of the injured individuals, and ambulances with injured people inside are being detained by (Israeli) occupying forces.” 

OceanNewsUK has reached out to the Israel Defense Forces for their response. 

A joint statement by the IDF and the Israel Border Police said the military operation in Nur Shams began Wednesday night.

“Since last night, Israeli security forces have been conducting counterterrorism activity in the Nur Shams, based on (Israel Security Agency) intelligence. As part of this activity, forces are taking actions to apprehend wanted suspects, destroy terror infrastructure, and confiscate weapons,” the statement said.

“So far, 10 wanted suspects have been apprehended and a number of explosive devices that were ready for use were neutralized. Exchanges of fire with armed gunmen, which included explosive devices being thrown at Israeli security forces, took place. Hits were identified," it continued.

"In addition, IDF aircraft struck an armed terrorist squad that posed a threat to the soldiers in the area, killing a number of terrorists. The forces' counterterrorism activity is ongoing,” the statement added. 

The context: While the focus of fighting has been in Gaza, tensions are mounting in the West Bank, where Palestinians have been killed in confrontations with both Israeli forces and settlers.

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