The day I found out I had special 'neo' blood

The day I found out I had special 'neo' blood
News Desk

By News Desk

Published: 17/02/2024

I have always been proud of donating blood. I have a
relatively rare blood type (B-) and recently found out my blood is even more
precious to the NHS, because it can be given to newborn babies.


At my last donation session, the donor carer who was about
to put the needle in my arm asked: "It must feel great being a Neo?"


My baffled face prompted her to show me the bright blue tag
that was waiting in the bowl to receive my bag of blood. Neo was written in
large font on it. "Your blood is special, it's going to help the tiniest
of patients," she explained.


Neo stands for neonatal, which is the term used to describe
a baby in the first 28 days of life.


As my blood was collected I had a speed lesson about how
blood is tested after donation. It turns out some patients - including infants
- need specific blood.


I wanted to learn more so I spoke to Dr Andy Charlton, a
consultant in haematology and transfusion medicine at NHS Blood and Transplant.


He explained that all donated blood is screened for HIV,
hepatitis B, C, and E, as well as syphilis.


Once that has been done, further tests and processes are
carried out on some samples to ensure they are suitable for patients who have
specific requirements.


For instance, some people need blood that has been
"washed" to remove proteins they have previously had allergic
reactions to during transfusions.


Common virus

Blood that is destined for new babies, immunocompromised
patients, pregnant women or to be transfused into a foetus in-uterine must be
screened for a virus called cytomegalovirus or CMV.


Part of the herpes virus family, it is very common and
usually harmless, causing mild flu-like symptoms or none at all. But for some
people it can be serious.


In babies it can cause seizures, sight and hearing problems
as well as damage to the liver and spleen. In rare cases it can be deadly.


Estimates vary but it is thought that between 50 and 80% of
adults in the UK have had CMV. As only about 2% of the eligible population in
England currently give blood, finding enough donors who have not been exposed
to the virus is crucial for supplies.


The blood I donated the previous time was tested and came
back clear of antibodies for CMV, meaning I had not been exposed and received
the special tag. My blood will be tested for the virus every time I donate, to
ensure I have not caught it in the interim.


Immunity to the virus lives forever in white blood cells so
if I ever catch it, my blood can no longer be given to these vulnerable


I am one of only 10,916 active donors in England who has
CMV-free, B- blood. Over the last year 153,801 units of CMV negative blood
products were requested by hospitals.


Dr Charlton says demand for "specialised blood
components" is increasing and urges people to come forward to donate.


"We can't thank our donors enough," he says.
"Every donation of blood is a gift of life and can save more than one



No-one understands the importance of blood donation better
than Hayley Bean. Her daughter Willow's life was saved soon after birth by a
transfusion of CMV-free blood.


Hayley holding Willow as a newborn



Hayley Bean with her daughter Willow, who received a blood
transfusion soon after she was born

During pregnancy, Hayley was diagnosed with vasa previa, a
dangerous condition in which the blood vessels from the placenta or umbilical
cord block the birth canal.


The vessels are at risk of rupture at any time and, because
they obstruct the baby's passage out of the uterus, natural birth is


Hayley was admitted to hospital at 32 weeks for monitoring,
and a Caesarean section was planned for 35 weeks.


During the operation, Willow's blood vessels burst, causing
life-threatening bleeding.


Baby with breathing tube inserted


Willow needed intensive care after she was born

"All the alarms were going off and people were running
around," recalls Hayley.


"They got Willow out and I waited to hear that first
cry. It was the worst moment of my life. She wasn't breathing and had gone into
shock. The neonatal team had to resuscitate her. After about 10 minutes I
remember finally hearing a tiny cry."


Willow was taken to intensive care after a nurse quickly
took a picture to show Hayley.


"All I remember was how pale and swollen she
looked," she says.


Hayley finally held Willow for the first time 12 hours after
she was born.


Willow smiling at camera



Willow is now four

Willow is now a thriving four-year-old, and Hayley is
eternally grateful for the treatment her daughter received.


"She was in intensive care for five days but there was
no permanent damage, thanks to her getting that blood transfusion," says


"She wouldn't be here today except for the kindness of
a stranger. Someone, somewhere made the choice to give blood, and it's thanks
to them that Willow is here today."


A few days after my first Neo donation, the text I had been
waiting for came through. It told me which hospital my blood had been issued
to. I smiled and wished the little one well.

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